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About Conference
Collaboration and communication between health professionals are increasingly important to meet the challenges of today’s healthcare system. This is because many health problems facing society are multifactorial and require social and political input, as well as the intervention of experts in basic science, medical science, and technology. As an example, the treatment of chronic, chronic pain requires expert knowledge from many disciplines: modern imaging technologies,
neurochemistry, genetics, cellular electrophysiology, physiotherapy, as well as social, psychological, and cultural research. This means adopting a multi-perspective approach to health problems, their multi-dimensional factors, possible directions of intervention, and taking into account the complex dimension of health problems, and only working together across disciplines can help achieve this goal. Today’s health challenges require a global and synergistic approach. Interdisciplinary research
provides broad insight into health problems by considering interventions that are no longer solely individual based, but also focus on what the health sector itself can do and integrate social, economic, and political perspectives. At the same time, Health Sciences as a scientific discipline allows for the education of specialists who are so needed for a given region, country, and the whole world, who have the skills and competences necessary to undertake various activities for the protection of public health, both in the macro-social and local dimension, looking for new solutions. The challenges for the future of health sciences will be enormous. Hence, for the dynamic development of this discipline, the research interests of clinical specialists and researchers focused on basic, social, and behavioral sciences should be combined on a broad front.
The main theme of the conference series “Interdisciplinary View on Health Sciences” in memory of professor Piotr Lass will be the connection and cooperation of scientists with different specializations in the field of Health Sciences for a more holistic view of health problems. The comprehensive and interdisciplinary program of the conference will enable participants to integrate and combine their research interests on many levels:
between scientists with a specific specialization and similar research topics, but coming from various research centers in Poland and around the world,
between the possibility of using specific techniques and research methods in other issues of health sciences,
between scientists of a specific field striving to achieve a more holistic approach to human health, e.g., the issue of air pollution with cardiology, treatment of civilization diseases with the use of scientific achievements in the fields of physiotherapy or dietetics, etc. and the use of new methods and techniques for other research purposes.
The interdisciplinary approach to Health Sciences will allow not only for the exchange of experiences and the presentation of research results by key scientists of a given discipline but also for establishing new cooperation between specific narrow research paths, leading to a multi-threaded approach to health research,
which can be used to create new research, design or implementation applications. The comprehensive program of the conference cycle will allow the audience to broaden their knowledge of the multithreaded nature of specific health problems as well as expand their methodological workshop. Introducing the concept of interdisciplinarity at an early stage of a scientist’s career favors its unconscious inclusion in future research. As a result, this early hands-on exposure provides a new generation of scientists with better preparation to deal with the challenges of interdisciplinarity. Therefore, students, research clubs, doctoral students, and young scientists will also be invited to participate in the conference.
They will gain the opportunity to improve their skills in the field of research design, obtaining scientific evidence, selecting appropriate statistical tests and selected methods, presenting the obtained results, and establishing multi-center cooperation. The best works of students and young scientists will be awarded. As part of the series of conferences, special training and workshops will also be conducted, improving the qualifications of conference participants, which will also contribute to the development of their further scientific careers.
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